Keyhole Cichlid


Cleithracara maronii

Origin; Orinoco delta in Venezuela, eastwards through Guyana and Suriname to the Ouanary River, in eastern French Guiana.

Maximum size; 5 inches (15cm), although 3-4 inches is more common.

These wonderfully peaceful cichlids live in small streams with clear water and lots of decaying vegetation.

A minimum aquarium size of 90 litres, with plenty of hiding places, would allow a pair to feel quite at home.

It is recommended to buy a small group of 4-6 young fish and allow a pair to develop naturally.

Tankmates should be peaceful but robust, such as Corydoras catfish, hatchetfish, pencilfish, tetras, and suckermouth catfish. The presence of such 'dither fish' should help encourage these shy cichlids to venture out into the open a little more. Take care when carrying out maintenance on the aquarium, as these fish are so easily startled.


Keyholes lay their eggs on  a flat surface, such as a rock or leaf. Both parents care for the eggs and fry.